Tuesday, June 23, 2009

38 weeks

We had an ultrasound today. She is approximately 7 pounds right now and looking fine. So, that means no change in my c-section date, still July 6th at 10:30 AM. Oh well, at least she is healthy and what-not.

I asked him if I could do anything about the crazy swelling and basically he said I could lie around in bed for a few days. Hmmm....right now, that doesn't sound so bad! I am guessing my activities over the next two weeks will be even lower key than they have been. Need to rest and keep hydrated here in the A/C.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Slamming doors

Apparently, our downstairs bathroom door does not slam well enough for certain 4 year olds. Sammy got in trouble with her daddy and proceeded to stomp into the bathroom "slamming" the door behind her. It apparently didn't slam quite hard enough for her liking so she did it again, and again, and again. Finally, she gave up trying to get a good slam out of that particular door. Chris and I couldn't help but laugh (secretly, of course) at her little tirade. Good thing for her that her bedroom door slams very loudly.

37 weeks

I didn't gain any weight this week, which is fantastic seeing as I ate most of a pan of brownies last night. : ) Dr. Parrott hooked me to the fetal monitor thing again. She refused to move around any and he asked if she was moving at home. I said she, and hence I, were awake from 4 AM to 6:30 AM with her moving around, the kid was exhausted! He took a tape measure and zipped it quickly next to my belly so that the noise would startle her. She moved every time he did it so her hearing is apparently fine as well.

Next week, we are having an ultrasound as well as the fetal heart monitor thingie. Maybe he will see how ready she is to come out now and move my c-section date up...a girl can dream.

Oh, my guess for her height and weight: 8 lbs, 9 ozs, 21.5 inches long. Leave your estimate in the comments and I will give a prize to whomever comes the closest. I warn you, it will be a lame prize but a prize nonetheless.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

36 weeks

This morning, I had my 36 week appointment. I gained 4 pounds in 2 weeks. Apparently, all that water in my hands and feet weighs quite a bit! They did the heart/stress test thing on Molly and she is just fine. Moves around a lot, apparently. Tell me something I didn't already know! So, she and I are still on track for a July 6th delivery date. I go back next Tuesday to do the whole thing again. It's weekly visits to Dr. P. from here on out.

Oh, I finally found our diaper bags. They were shoved in the bottom of the coat closet and came out looking rather yucky. I tossed them in the washing machine today so I could start packing them again in a few weeks. I can't believe I will be carrying around a diaper bag again! How insane! And, we need to install the car seat bases in our cars. Something else very weird to me. Not sure why because I have done this all before but it all seems weird again. I hope I remember how to care for an infant...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Behold....sausage woman....

I can no longer curl my fingers into a fist. That's right, my fingers are so swollen they won't make a proper fist. I guess this isn't really a big deal since I don't often go around punching people but I would like to have that option. The swelling has gotten to be quite an issue the past couple of days.

Yesterday, I got into our still filling pool and sat in freezing water for a little bit. It helped, it felt good. I got out and spent most of the rest of the day in my wet bathing suit. I didn't care that I left little water drops all around the house as I was cleaning, I was cool and comfortable! So, if you show up at my door and I am baking cookies in a wet bathing suit, you now know why!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The home stretch

My 34 week appointment was Tuesday. Molly and I both seem to be fine. The GD is well under control, I still don't have high readings, which is good. My weight gain this time around has been A LOT less than with Sam. Like about 50 pounds less so far!

I am constantly swollen right now. I guess it is a combo of the humidity and just being pregnant. I have sausage fingers and elephant ankles. Not comfortable or attractive. Still getting sick to the stomach but have come to accept that as a fact of life for the next few weeks. It will be weird to not wake up one day wondering whether or not I am going to need the trash can immediately.

I go back in two weeks and they will do a stress test on Molly because of the GD. That will be something new and interesting. Then, I start going to see Dr. Parrott every week until Molly comes out.

Bear with me a bit longer, dear friends. Psycho pregnant Tabitha is almost finished!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Begging and pleading

I tried. I tried to convince Dr. Parrott to take Molly out a week earlier than planned but he stubbornly refused. I used all sorts of debate tactics short of crying, I do have some dignity. So, she is officially scheduled with the hospital to arrive the morning of July 6th.

Other than my briefly humiliating begging scene, my appointment was fine, actually, a bit better than normal. I only have to stick myself once a day now and I actually lost 3 pounds. I guess removing all traces of sugar from one's diet is bound to have some sort of weight-loss effect even while pregnant. I am looking at this as a jump start on my post-baby weight loss program.

Sam came to this appointment with us today and she was rather disappointed herself that the baby just doesn't want to come out of mommy's tummy. I guess she thought we might leave with a baby. Trust me, Sam, mommy tried!

I am now starting to go every two weeks to see Dr. Parrott. My next appointment will be at 34 weeks.