Sunday, December 28, 2008

Thank you, Santa Claus!

After the floor was littered in piles of wrapping paper and I was considering going back to bed to sleep a bit longer, I told Sam she needed to say thank you to Santa for bringing her presents. She immediately ran over to the fireplace, looked up into the chimney and said, "Thank you, Santa!"

Monday, December 15, 2008


I truly feel like I could sleep through the entire winter. I enjoy the Christmas season and everything that comes with it but I just can't seem to keep up this year. I get tired SO EASILY and that is very frustrating for someone used to being always on the go.

I am 11 weeks along today so almost through my first trimester. Here's hoping the energy levels pick back up during the second one! Other than that, all is about the same. Fatigue and queasiness.