Sunday, December 28, 2008

Thank you, Santa Claus!

After the floor was littered in piles of wrapping paper and I was considering going back to bed to sleep a bit longer, I told Sam she needed to say thank you to Santa for bringing her presents. She immediately ran over to the fireplace, looked up into the chimney and said, "Thank you, Santa!"

Monday, December 15, 2008


I truly feel like I could sleep through the entire winter. I enjoy the Christmas season and everything that comes with it but I just can't seem to keep up this year. I get tired SO EASILY and that is very frustrating for someone used to being always on the go.

I am 11 weeks along today so almost through my first trimester. Here's hoping the energy levels pick back up during the second one! Other than that, all is about the same. Fatigue and queasiness.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Chicken tikka masala

Apparently, this baby doesn't like Indian food either.  I am going to miss it!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A ladder straight from Dr. Seuss

Apparently, we need to bar her from accessing the bathroom. We had another mishap in there this morning. This time, I came to get her ready for school and she was already in the bathroom. I couldn't get the door all the way open because something was blocking it. After much negotiating and shoving, I managed to squeeze myself inside.

Sam had taken the small bench we have beside the tub and pushed it over next to the open closet. On top of that, she had placed the two-stair step stool that sits in front of her sink. She was attempting to climb this precarious ladder in order to replace some Pull-Ups on the top shelf. I couldn't believe this monkey child!

She calmly explained to me that this was the only way she could get to the top shelf now since I told her she couldn't climb on the actual closet shelves anymore. I think the solution now is to move everything from the top shelves out to limit the climbing desire. She is her daddy's girl!

Monday, November 24, 2008


Sam: I want to put the star on top of the tree.
Scot: Well, let's see if we can find it. You have to be very careful thogh, it is very breakable.
Sam: I want to hold the star.
Scot: It's very breakable. What's the star say on this side? It starts with an 'M'.
Sam: Mmmmmm....
Scot: "Merry Christmas." What's it say on this side? What starts with a 'D'?
Sam: (Thinks long and hard) Ddddd...Do not touch!

Or Dotson, but I liked her answer better!

We saw a heartbeat!

We had our doctor's appointment this morning, I was thinking it was the 8 week one. Dr. Parrott performed another ultrasound and this time, we saw a tiny beating heart. The little peanut measured at 7 weeks so I am a week earlier than what I thought originally. This would explain why we didn't see anything before, it was only just 5 weeks along.

So now, my new due date is July 13th with a scheduled c-section on Monday, July 6th. This pregnancy is progressing much easier because of the wonders of Zofran. All day sickness be gone!

I can't wait to tell Sammy tonight when she gets home from school! She will be so excited. I feel safe telling her now since we saw the heartbeat and she won't have a chance to tell anyone else because she won't see anyone before we leave for Florida on Wednesday.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

An explosion of corn starch

Most evenings, I go check on Sam before I go to sleep.  Tonight, as I approached her door, I heard an odd thumping noise from within.   I opened the door and she wasn't in bed.  The bathroom door was closed and the thumping was coming from in there.  This can't be good.   I opened the door to a spectacular site!  There was Sam in the middle of the floor trying to clean up an entire container of baby powder strewn about with a toilet bowl brush.  It's one of those moments in life that just makes you smile ear-to-ear.  I told her to keep cleaning and immediately yelled for Chris so he wouldn't miss it!  She apologized for making the mess and told me she just needed a little powder after going to the bathroom.  Well, after we hosed her down, she had a little powder!

Quest for a pink pillow

Yesterday morning, Sam casually told me all about her friends Jamison and Abby having pillows to use at nap time. She went into great detail as to how this was such a desirable thing and that she would really like a pillow for nap. I promised her that the next time I was out, I would look for a pillow for her. "It needs to be pink, Mommy." Okay, I will add pink to the list of requirements. "And, Mommy, can you bring it to me today before nap?" I have time to leave work and scour Hamburg in search of a pink pillow? I promised her I would try. Content that Mommy would obtain a pink pillow she went off to school.

As luck would have it, my internet went down for a bit yesterday morning. I took it as a sign from the pink pillow fairies to go shopping. As usual, my first stop was Target and they delivered. Not only did I find a pink pillow, I found it with princesses on it! Assuring myself "Mom of the Year" status (or at least "Mom of the Day" status) I took the pillow to her before nap. Of course, she was quite delighted and apparently, was so excited about the new pillow, she was noisy during nap. OOPS!

Monday, November 10, 2008

6 week ultrasound

I had my first doctor's appointment today. I was all nervous about it, like this was my first kid or something. It's really difficult for a self-proclaimed hypochondriac to be pregnant. Ever little twinge, cramp, or pain is all of a sudden a miscarriage. I thought that today's visit would make me feel better, I would see the baby's heart beating and know that everything was fine.

Wrong! All I got to see was an empty embryonic sac. Doctor shrugs it off and says it is too early to see anything. What does he know anyway? He takes some blood for some first visit tests and shoos me out the door. I go back in two weeks for a second ultrasound. TWO WEEKS? Are you kidding me? Do you realize how many diseases I can make up between now and then? Oh, the agony.

At least we told a few people today, Mom, Dad, Casey and Scot. We are keeping the list at these people until after the 8 week visit. We definitely won't tell Sam until then, she wouldn't quite get the whole concept of keeping it a secret.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Keeping secrets

I am not good at keeping secrets. It is killing me not to tell my parents and our close friends. It's hard to act like nothing has happened and everything is normal and there isn't a baby growing in my uterus.

I did schedule our first doctor's appointment today. We go in Monday, November 10th. I will insist on the ultrasound just so I will believe it is real. If I see the heart beating, I will feel comfortable telling my parents Monday night.

Until then, mum is the word. The only people who know are me, Chris and Lilliput (that's what I have named my little ASUS computer I am using to write this blog).

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Round 2: Are we really ready?

I took my second pregnancy test last night. I have a tendency to never believe the first one. And after wandering back into the bathroom to stare at the results multiple times, I think I have finally accepted that I am pregnant again. That's right, this is my second child. You would think that I would be used to the whole positive pregnancy test and would believe it. But for some reason, it's just as mythical this time around as it was the last time.

I wonder how it will be different? I am hoping that the morning sickness that plagued me last time will not come visit me again. Will I crave different foods? Will I mess this kid up by drinking too much diet soda? Will this kid look exactly the same as my first? And the question that no one wants to admit to thinking but does, will I love this one as much as my first one?

So, if you care, join me on the ride of this second pregnancy. This will also be where I post funny happenings with my first child. I have been meaning to start a blog like this for oh, three years now and I finally did!

Now, I must remove a splinter from future big sister's finger...